Hortex Supported Export Growth of Fruits, Vegetables, Potato and other Agro-commodities in Bangladesh

Present Government of Bangladesh is attaching high importance for the production and export of high value agro-commodities especially horticultural crops through diversification of produces and market promotion. About 100 types of fresh horticultural crops are being exported from Bangladesh to more than 40 countries in the world. Export of fresh fruits and vegetables from Bangladesh are significantly increased from $51million in FY2008-09 to $125million in FY2015-16. However, the export value in FY2015-16 decreased 12% over the previous FY2014-15 (Table-1). In FY2015-16, vegetables export market to 38 countries comprises Middle East 62.05% (Saudi Arabia 24.70%, Qatar 15.04%, UAE 9.55%, Kuwait 9.21%, Bahrain 3.55%), EU countries 14.59% (UK 11.86%, Italy 2.73%), Malaysia 11.48%, Singapore 3.93% and others 7.95%. On the other hand, fruits are being exported from Bangladesh to 15 countries. Fresh potato export is also significantly increased from $0.68million in FY2008-09 to $10.06million in FY2015-16. Hortex Foundation had direct and indirect role in these export achievements. Hortex Foundation facilitates export of high value horticultural crops and processed agro-commodities in the mainstream market of EU, Middle East, Far East in addition to ethnic markets. Some requirements to enter into mainstream market are adoption of Good Agricultural Practices (GAP), traceability system, strict compliance of sanitary & phyto-sanitary measures including good packaging.

Table 1: Export growth of fresh fruits and vegetables in Bangladesh

Fiscal Year Quantity Exported (MT) Export Value (in Million US$) Export Growth (%)
2008-09 24670 50.71
2009-10 29370 64.21 (+) 26.62
2009-10 29370 64.21 (+) 26.62
2010-11 48428 109.41 (+) 70.39
2011-12 59573* 134.59 (+) 23.01
2012-13 80660* 182.23 (+) 35.39
2013-14 92679* 209.38 (+) 14.89
2014-15 62730* 141.72 (-) 32.31
2015-16 55138* 124.57 (-) 12.10

Source: NBR, Export Promotion Bureau (EPB), 2016 and Data Analysis by Hortex Foundation, 2016
Note: *Export quantity of fresh fruits & vegetables estimated by Hortex Foundation as per average export value of fruits and vegetables @2259.23
US$/MT in FY2010-11 due to export quantity data is not available since FY2011-12 from EPB

Table-1 reveals that export quantity and value of fresh fruits and vegetables are in decreasing trend from FY2014-2015 due to restriction in EU countries on some fruits and vegetables including self ban by the Government of Bangladesh. The major causes of restrictions are (i) not complying with the phytosanitary requirement of importing countries, (ii) presence of quarantine harmful organisms in fruits, vegetables, betel leaves, (iii) presence of brown rot bacterial agent (Ralstonia solanacearum (Smith) Yabuuchi et al.) and potato tuber moth in potato; (iv) absence of product integrity, (v) documentary reasons i.e. modification of Phytosanitary Certificate (PC) and, sometimes absence of PC during export from Bangladesh.

Table-02: Export performance of fresh vegetables during FY2008-2009 to FY2015-2016

Fiscal year (FY) Quantity exported (MT) Export growth on quantity (%) Export value (million US$) Export growth on value (%)
2008-2009 22791 44.67
2009-2010 23959 (+) 05.12 46.84 (+) 04.86
2010-2011 36672 (+) 53.06 71.73 (+) 53.14
2011-2012 39586* (+) 07.95 77.43 (+) 07.95
2012-2013 56411* (+) 42.50 110.34 (+) 42.50
2013-2014 75435* (+) 33.72 147.55 (+) 33.72
2014-2015 52781* (-) 30.03 103.24 (-) 30.03
2015-2016 53344* (+) 1.06 104.34 (+) 1.06

Source: NBR, Export Promotion Bureau (EPB) 2016 & Data Analysis by Mitul 2016, Hortex Foundation
Note: *Quantity estimated by Hortex Foundation as per average export price of vegetables @ 1956 US$/ MT on
FY2010-11 due to export quantity data is not available since FY2011-12 from EPB

Table-03: Top ten export markets of Bangladeshi fresh vegetables in FY2015-16

Export market Export value (million US$) Percent (%) share of total export value Ranking of partner countries in world imports (in 2015)* Share of partner countries in world imports in 2015(%)* Tariff (estimated) faced by Bangladesh (%)*
1. Saudi Arabia 25.77 24.70 21 1 2.4
2. Qatar 15.70 15.04 44 0.4 2.4
3. UK 12.38 11.86 3 6.3 0
4. Malaysia 11.98 11.48 16 1.3 1.1
5. UAE 9.96 9.55 n/a n/a n/a
6. Kuwait 9.61 9.21 36 15 2.4
7. Singapore 4.10 3.93 29 0.8 0
8. Bahrain 3.70 3.55 64 0.2 2.4
9. Italy 2.85 2.73 12 2.5 0
10. Saint Barthelemy 2.11 2.02 n/a n/a n/a
Total 10 countries 98.16 94.07
Other 28 countries 6.18 5.93
All 38 countries 104.34 100.00

Source: NBR, Export Promotion Bureau (EPB) & Data Analysis by Mitul 2016, Hortex Foundation, Dhaka
Note: *Data analysis from ITC Trade Map 2015, Geneva, Switzerland
n/a: data is not available

Table-04: Export performance of fresh fruits during FY2008-2009 to FY2015-2016

Fiscal year (FY) Quantity exported (MT) Export growth on quantity (%) Export value (million US $) Export growth on value (%)
2008-2009 5204 16.67
2009-2010 5411 (+) 4.00 17.37 (+) 3.83
2010-2011 11757 (+) 117.26 37.68 (+) 116.92
2011-2012 17835* (+) 51.69 57.16 (+) 51.69
2012-2013 22431* (+) 25.77 71.89 (+) 25.77
2013-2014 19292* (-) 13.99 61.83 (-) 13.99
2014-2015 12006* (-) 37.76 34.48 (-) 37.76
2015-2016 6312* (-) 47.42 20.23 (-) 41.32

Source: NBR, Export Promotion Bureau (EPB) 2016 & Data Analysis by Mitul 2016, Hortex Foundation
Note: *Quantity estimated by Hortex Foundation as per average export price of fruits @ 3205 $/MT on FY2010-11 due to export quantity data is not available since FY2011-12 from EPB

Table-05: Top ten export markets of Bangladeshi fresh fruits in FY2015-16

Export market Export value (million US$) Percent (%) share of total export value Ranking of partner countries in world imports (in 2015)* Share of partner countries in world imports in 2015(%)* Tariff (estimated) faced by Bangladesh (%)*
1. India 18.24 90.16 12 2.7 21.1
2. UK 0.74 3.65 3 5.5 0
3. Malaysia 0.63 3.11 34 0.6 5.9
4. Vietnam 0.48 2.37 15 2.1 17.4
5. Indonesia 0.07 0.34 33 0.6 6.7
6. Saudi Arabia 0.03 0.14 19 1.3 1.4
5. Indonesia 0.07 0.34 33 0.6 6.7
7. UAE 0.009 0.04 n/a n/a n/a
8. Singapore 0.0028 0.01 30 0.6 0
9. Saint Barthelemy 0.0027 0.01 n/a n/a n/a
10. New Zealand 0.0024 0.01 46 0.3 0
Total 10 countries 20.2069 99.84
Other 5 countries (Canada, Germany, Japan, Myanmar and USA) 0.0231 0.16
All 15 countries 20.23 100

Source: National Board of Revenue (NBR), EPB 2016 & Data Analysis by Mitul 2016, Hortex Foundation, Dhaka
Note: *Data analysis from ITC Trade Map 2015, Geneva, Switzerland
n/a: data is not available

Table-06: Export performance of fresh potato during FY2008-09 to FY2015-16

Fiscal year (FY) Quantity exported (MT) Export growth on quantity (%) Export value (million US$) Export growth on value (%)
2008-2009 407 0.68
2009-2010 9687 (+) 2280.09 03.45 (+) 407
2010-2011 34891 (+) 260.18 15.98 (+) 363
2011-2012 34232 (-) 1.88 08.50 (-) 47
2012-2013 41830 (+) 22.20 10.93 (+) 29
2013-2014 103000 (+) 146.23 33.82 (+) 210
2014-2015 94614 (-) 8.14 32.22 (-) 4.73
2015-2016 40230 (-) 57.47 10.06 (-) 68.78

Source: NBR, Export Promotion Bureau (EPB) 2016, PQW of DAE 2016 & Data Analysis by Mitul 2016, Hortex Foundation

Table-07: Top 10 export markets of Bangladeshi fresh potato in FY2015-2016

Top 10 export markets Export value (million US$) % of share of total export value Ranking of partner countries in world imports (in 2015)* Share of partner countries in world imports in 2015(%)* Tariff (estimated) faced by Bangladesh (%)*
1. Malaysia 5.64 56.06 14 2.1 0
2.Singapore 2.87 28.52 35 0.6 n/a
3. UAE 0.50 4.97 n/a n/a n/a
4. SriLanka 0.49 4.87 22 1 22.8
5. Saudi Arabia 0.17 1.68 26 0.9 0
6. Brunei Darussalam 0.12 1.19 124 0 0
7.Indonesia 0.09 0.89 42 0.5 17.2
8.Myanmar 0.06 0.59 n/a n/a n/a
9. Oman 0.03 0.29 34 0.6 0
10.Vietnam 0.01 0.18 13 2.1 17.2
Top 10 total export markets 9.98 99.24
Other export market (Maldives, UK, Kuwait, Qatar) 0.08 0.76
Total 10.06 100

Source: NBR, Export Promotion Bureau (EPB) 2016 & Data Analysis by Mitul 2016, Hortex Foundation, Dhaka
Note: *Data analysis from ITC Trade Map 2015, Geneva, Switzerland Bangladesh's exports represent 0.46% of world exports for potato; its ranking in
world exports is 25
n/a: data is not available

Table-08: Export performance of cut flowers and foliage (HS Code 0603 & 0604)

Fiscal year (FY) Export value (million US$) Export growth on value (%)
2008-2009 33.67
2009-2010 39.75 (+) 18.05
2010-2011 42.89 (+) 7.89
2011-2012 50.46 (+) 17.64
2012-2013 41.41 (-) 17.93
2013-2014 39.28 (-) 5.14
2014-2015 11.36 (-) 71.07
2015-2016 4.73 (-) 58.36

Source: Export Promotion Bureau (EPB) 2016 & Data Analysis by Mitul 2016, Hortex Foundation, Dhaka

Table-9: Export value of cut flowers (HS code 0603) in Bangladesh

Fiscal Year (FY) Export value (in US$) Export growth (%)
2008-2009 10881
2009-2010 15866 (+) 45.81
2010-2011 127489 (+) 703.53
2011-2012 56161 (-) 55.94
2012-2013 30107 (-) 46.39
2013-2014 23993 (-) 20.30
2014-2015 203 (-) 99.15
2015-2016 1531 (+) 654.18

Source: Export Promotion Bureau (EPB) 2016 & Data Analysis by Mitul 2016, Hortex Foundation, Dhaka
Note: HS code 0603 - Cut flowers and flower buds for bouquets, fresh or dried

Table-10: Top 10 agro-processed products exported from Bangladesh in FY2014-2015

Top 10 agro-processed products exported Quantity exported (MT) Export value (million US$)
1. Spices 17082.41 60.42
2. Juice 37566.95 37.85
3. Drinks 42175.99 29.00
4. Biscuits 10146.34 20.07
5. Chanachur 6016.55 12.28
6. Puffed rice 6896.12 11.21
7. Frozen snacks 4353.37 8.68
8. Candy 4204.37 7.40
9. Mustard oil 3140.00 6.58
10. Frozen meat 772.97 4.69
Total Top 10 products 132355.10 198.18
Other 34 products 17142.6 25.97
Total 149497.7 224.15

Source: BAPA 2016 & Data Analysis by Mitul 2016, Hortex Foundation

Table-11: Top ten export markets of Bangladeshi agro-processed items in FY2014-2015

Top ten export markets Quantity exported (MT) Export value (million US$)
1. UAE 22727.345 44.71
2. Saudi Arabia 19771.693 42.50
3. Malaysia 16473.824 22.49
4. India 29995.123 21.53
5. Oman 9061.125 12.40
6. Singapore 4430.31 11.91
7. United Kingdom 4720.951 10.07
8. USA 4382.044 8.98
9. Qatar 4140.499 6.47
10. Kuwait 2656.39 4.99
Export to 10 countries 118359.304 186.05
Export to other 84 countries 31138.40 38.095
Total export to 94 countries 149497.704 224.145

Source: BAPA 2016 & Data Analysis by Mitul 2016, Hortex Foundation


Hortex is an environmental friendly organization and involved in green revolution in Bangladesh through plantation.

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Horticulture Export Development Foundation (Hortex Foundation)
Sech Bhaban (3rd Floor, Western Side), 22 Manik Mia Avenue,

Sher-e-Bangla Nagar, Dhaka-1207, Bangladesh


Fax: +88-02-9125181,9141331

Email: hortex@hortex.org

Website: www.hortex.org